Do you want to suggest a band that I may not be familiar with yet? Do you have questions about the interviews or reviews on Kevy Metal? Or maybe about music journalism in general? Please feel free to use the form below to contact me.

Before you do, there are a few things I would like to ask you to please take into consideration:

  • Please write to me in Dutch, English or German. I can read French and Spanish fairly decently, but I’m not confident enough about my skills to write back in those languages.
  • That does not mean the artist or band you contact me about has to sing in one of those languages. There are plenty of bands reviewed on this site whose lyrics I cannot understand. Melodies are a universal language.
  • Please remain civilized. Nothing I write is worth getting death threats over.
  • Please only contact me about the content that is on the site or possible content that may be on the site in the future. I have no interest in advertisement campaigns, investment opportunities, marketing advice or anything like that, and I think it’s only fair to let you know that I will flat-out ignore you if you message me about that.
  • Journalism or media students or even hobby music bloggers who want to ask me about my work, on the other hand, are more than welcome to contact me. Talking to and working with experienced professionals has definitely made me a better journalist. If my schedule allows it, I would be happy to help out.
  • I know I have unusual opinions sometimes. You don’t need to point to point that out to me. There’s nothing wrong with discussions – the person who commented on my review of Anthrax’s ‘For All Kings’ is a great example of how to do that constructively – but if all you want to do is point out that I’m wrong, write your own review instead of bothering me.
  • Although I am a professional music journalist, this site is not my job. During very stressful weeks, particularly deadline weeks for Gitarist, your message may end up so far down my inbox that I forget to reply. There’s no shame in sending me another message – that’s actually quite standard practice in PR – as long as it does not cross the line into full-on harassment.
  • Despite the versatility in styles reviewed on this site, some styles simply don’t fit the format or don’t appeal to me enough for me to properly judge the quality of the music. Electronic music, very vocal-based pop music and most styles of folk and traditional music just aren’t going to work here. Very blastbeat-heavy extreme metal and extremely downtuned modern heavy music (deathcore, djent, modern metalcore and the like) I simply don’t enjoy. Also, I have a very limited tolerance of non-hardcore punk rock.